Banning Burkinis

Banning “Burkinis” has become a hot potato now. According to French PM, burkinis aren’t compatible in accordance to their culture. OK! I’m willing to give critics the benefit of the doubt but still it doesn’t make sense. Covering the whole body is not the part of any Islamic country’s Culture only. But its an obligation, a basic part of their ‘Religion’ as well. One must be wise enough to differentiate between these two. Its an answer to all those Indian wisenheimers also that may be Indian women don’t find any problem in exposing their bodies to the whole world as their own very culture includes nudity to some extent. It certainly doesn’t mean that they respect western culture and follow it with their heart and soul.
Muslim women find it difficult and awkward to bare their bodies like this. BTW showing off your body doesn’t have any particular pleasant effect either psychologically, spiritually, socially, even environmentally LOL. If they don’t want to let others see em then I don’t think its a big deal. Is it? And even if burkinis scare the shit out of peeps around it still doesn’t make sense. Are they dumb enough to believe that ISIS agents would be roaming about so boldly n freely on beaches? Yes! Not men but women? When women are largely victimized by ISIS? Sounds ludicrous!
No doubt, foreigners tend to follow eastern culture while on tours but we can’t do exactly the same as its one of our religious commitments. We can’t contravene this. You can do whatever you want if its your religious duty. Have you ever heard of any Biblical order about uncovering your body? Like if its a necessity according to Bible? Well I haven’t.
You all critics, bear it in your mind that you’re pointing fingers at religion not culture. And that’s clearly against International Human Rights Law!
And blabbering about this is nothing but ridiculous to say the least. For I can’t stand these abstruse arguments. Sorry to say, but they must not welcome foreigners and let them in if they can’t respect their values, period.

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